Behind the deeply contentious 2020 election stands a real story of a broken election process. Election fraud that alters election outcomes and dilutes legitimate votes occurs all too often, as is the bungling of election bureaucrats. Our election process is full of vulnerabilities that can be — and are — taken advantage of, raising questions about, and damaging public confidence in, the legitimacy of the outcome of elections. This book explores the reality of the fraud and bureaucratic errors and mistakes that should concern all Americans and offers recommendations and solutions to fix those problems.
Senator Mike Lee says:
“John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky, two of the country’s leading experts on elections, explain in shocking terms the threat we face from those who are working hard to make our elections unfair and unsecure. This book should be read by everyone who cares about protecting the integrity of our elections and ensuring the ability of the American people to govern their nation.”
Mark Levin says:
“I’ve been warning for years how American Marxist movements are destroying our country. This new book by John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky exposes how they are changing the rules governing our election to make it easier to manipulate election results so they can consolidate their political control. It is a clarion call about the danger we face in our election sand how these radicals want to bring back the worst corruption of the political machines of the last century."
Hans von Spakovsky